vertical barcode truncated when printing to PDF

General discussion about Morovia barcode fonts, OCR/MICR fonts and postal fonts.

vertical barcode truncated when printing to PDF

Postby slm64 on Thu Mar 31, 2011 8:34 pm

I'm new at this so I'm hoping I've just missed something basic.

I can generate a barcode correctly in Word 2010, and display it properly within a frame at the bottom of the final page (our preferred location). However, when I print this to PDF using Adobe Acrobat Pro CS4, the barcode is cut off after 5 characters. This seems to be about the height of the horizontal barcode.

Has anyone else had this happen, and are there any suggestions on how to address it?
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Re: vertical barcode truncated when printing to PDF

Postby glitch on Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:48 am

It seems to me that the text frame exceeds the page boundary. How about leaving some margin at the right side of the frame?
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Re: vertical barcode truncated when printing to PDF

Postby slm64 on Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:42 pm

Thanks for the suggestion. It didn't exactly solve the problem, but it did give me a new direction to try and I think I have fixed it.

I changed the settings for the frame from "Auto" height and width to specified "Exactly" values (1cm wide, 3cm high) and this seems to have solved it. For other people doing this, if the frame is specified in a paragraph style of the document template, you will need to change the values in the template - they didn't stick when I tried to change them directly in the dependent document (this is possibly to do with whether "automatically refresh styles" is set in the document template association).
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