Sub reports

Issues related to using our fonts in Crystal Reports

Sub reports

Postby Pascale(Legacy Member) on Tue May 08, 2007 8:13 pm

I have created the main report which includes a member no, an effective date and a termination or suspension id. The effective date denotes the change date in the membership, ie when a person comes on and off suspension or termination, or when a membership is created etc, therefore is this instance (start date) the term/susp id will be null. I have selected the maximum effective date for each membership.

I then created a subreport with a link to the main report based on the member no and effective date, and selected only where the term/susp id = OS (overseas). This record is only populated on the subreport where the term/susp id is os. Great that works. But i want to display only where there is an instance of OS, currently it shows a record for each member, a blank record where the term/susp id does not equal OS, and the member no, effective date and term/susp id where it equals OS.

How can i format the report to show records only where the term/susp id equals OS, thus not displaying all records including blank ones.

Please help
Pascale(Legacy Member)

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