help for DataMatrixFontware_Retail_V3.35.1.12

Issues related to using our fonts in Crystal Reports

help for DataMatrixFontware_Retail_V3.35.1.12

Postby ArcangeloG on Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:35 am

Good morning,

we made the purchase of your fonts and DataMatrixFontware_Retail_V3.35.1.12 through your site.
The installation of the fonts on the server, which carry the information in the system is successfully completed.


But when we try to make a print through Crystal Reports, we get an error that this crashes the application


The anomaly is launching a web application built with visual studio 2003 that uses Crystal Reports version 11 runtime, but merely trying to preview the field from theclient of Crystal Reports (version 9).

The fonts are displayed correctly however: in fact, by inserting a label with the string to convert and set the font DatamatrixR1 MRV, the preview is displayed correctly,although not in the form we need. There is therefore a need to run the formula by setting the above parameters.

Please note that, however, we have already made the installation of your fonts on other machines (including non-server as well as 64-bit), and found no anomalies of this kind ever.

The problem is therefore probably due to some configuration on the machine or set incorrectly during installation.

Re: help for DataMatrixFontware_Retail_V3.35.1.12

Postby glitch on Fri Dec 16, 2011 11:48 am


If that error only happens on that particular computer, try excluding crw32.exe from DEP. Follow the instruction in ... n-settings.
Turn off DEP for crw32.exe. The problem should go away.
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Re: help for DataMatrixFontware_Retail_V3.35.1.12

Postby ArcangeloG on Fri Dec 16, 2011 12:24 pm

beautiful, worked perfectly

thank you


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