Different X Dim & Height?

General discussion about Morovia barcode fonts, OCR/MICR fonts and postal fonts.

Different X Dim & Height?

Postby Calendarium (Legacy Member) on Fri Jan 07, 2005 3:35 am

I made some test printing and found that the X Dim of human-readable version is larger than the non-text version. The X Dims of Code128XS, S, M, T, XT are same but smaller than the X Dims of Code128a,b,c XS, S, M, T and XT. So the printing lengths of Code128M and Code128AMA are different. Is this a bug?

Another problem is the Height of Code128M is lower than its human-readable version, why?
Calendarium (Legacy Member)

Re: Different X Dim & Height?

Postby glitch (legacy member) on Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:46 pm

The X dimension and the bar height (not including the human readable) should be the same for Code128M and Code128AMA if printed at the same point size.

Double check the point size. If you still have problems, send an email with the screenshots to support@morovia.com.
glitch (legacy member)

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