Bad dll calling convention

Issues related to using font products in Microsoft Office programs, such as Word, Excel, and Access etc.). Also for questions on using barcode fonts in VB6.

Bad dll calling convention

Postby dxk240(Legacy Member) on Thu Jul 15, 2004 5:41 am


I receive the following error when I call the Code128Auto procedure: Run-time error '49' Bad Dll calling convention.

I call the dll from visual basic like this:

Text1.Text = Code128Auto(CStr(Text2.Text))

Any suggestions will be helpful.
dxk240(Legacy Member)

Re: Bad dll calling convention

Postby glitch (legacy member) on Thu Jul 15, 2004 9:25 am

Are you using Windows DLL?

You may use the Visual Basic code directly. They can be found under \program files\common files\morovia\moroviafonttools. The file name is MoroviaFontTools.vbs.
glitch (legacy member)

Re: Bad dll calling convention

Postby glitch (legacy member) on Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:05 am

Update: We found that this is due to the _cdel calling convertion added to the exported functions. We will resolve it in the next version of the Morovia Font Tools upgrade. I will keep you posted.
glitch (legacy member)

Re: Bad dll calling convention

Postby dxk240(Legacy Member) on Fri Jul 16, 2004 9:07 am

Thank you for the update. In mean time, I will just use it directly from the source code.
dxk240(Legacy Member)

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